Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers' Day Wish :):)

Dear mom...let's not joke abut it..but you came out first at Pan Earth Mothers' love competition..only me and Anne were in the jury..but so came out first and that's all matters...we are proud of you :) clap clap clap clap :)

We wish you had a gmail that we could send you a fabulous mother's day ecard..but :(..never mind...we have planned something better for you....together we will buy you a new big that you can do shopping whole day..buying our favourite foodstuffs n clothes and chocolates and bring them truckloads at home :p

Dear mom..wish we were at home..then we would decorate your room with balloons and you did at our room when we were badmash kids :) and would bring home a cake for you...a big mothers' day cake..with cream and cherry on top..and I would take care so that Anne wont eat up the cream and cherry before you comes in :p..after all i know..We are soon going to get the lion's share of the cake :p

Dear mom..we wanted to give you a fabulous gift...that no kid could ever give to their mom...but we didn't find any :( this time decided to gift you a big timepiece that claps and sounds 'we love you mamma' when it remember the days when you used to put alarm so that we don't miss school bus ..and we used to screw up the timepiece so that it wont alarm any more :p

Dear mom must be missing our crazy school days back home..and must feel terribly upset that we are not at home on this 'special day'..don't mind..we are just saving office leaves so that we can go for a long winter vacation together :)

Dearest mom..somebody said God didn't have time to be with us all the time he sent you..and we feel so lucky..because we know..God couldn't do soo much that you did for us :):) Happy mother's day !!!!!!!