Saturday, February 12, 2011

Calling It A Day !!!!!!!!!

%macro goodbye (wish_you=)

%global gmail_id yahoo_id contact_no google_blog social_network ;

%macro its_today;
my fellow pfizerites,
its my last day here and all of you bear witness of this auspicious moment in pfizer..will miss you all and all those crazy moments in last 3.7 years - i call them - Time Of My Life..

Once I had a vision - A day without QG docs.. day without a boss.And finally - its TODAY.I know sceptics wont agree. they will argue - grass wont be greener on the other side.Still i will stick to my vision statement.Today is history and you are part of it...:):)

%mend its_today;

%macro wishlist;

A bunch of brilliant minds - you are gonNa rock for sure. Wish I could manage time little better, spend little more time with each of you .Wish i could record my crazy moments here and save them in a freezed time screen for 1 rainy day..wish i could write another lyrics like 'in this farewell' and play it in my guitar while leaving. Wish i had a magic wand to create a wishtree for you- dropping utility macros at will . For your future 'battle for survival' in pfizer ,wish you &wish_you :)

%mend wishlist;

%macro recharge;

never forget to look at the promise of tomorrow hung high in the air...dont hate whispering past deadlines..little clumsy moments...all in a day's work..all things will come in a little time..realx....breathe....take a nap..wayy to go..

%mend recharge;

%macro thanks;

words wont suffice to say thanks to the 'sas wizard' who wished to make a sas programmer out of a 'mechanical engineer' - thanks Vinay for always staying'chilled' while I messed up everything on the other end.Heartiest thanks to Rohit Wadhawa for always been there whenever i got lost in the 'bhulbhulaiya' of macro loops, 'gud job done' to Arka for writing sas assignments to make my way to pfizer,thanks meenakshi for bearing me as the mentor-hope it was coool,thanks Gaurav for all the opportunities , thanks to Prabhat for constant motivations, thanks to Pankaj for teaching me the most important lesson at pfizer 'winners never quit' !!!!

%mend thanks;

%do %while (&sysday=&systcslastday);


%let i=1;
%do %while (%scan(&sysmotivation,i) eq );
%let i=%eval(&i+1);


%let gmail_id=;
%let yahoo_id=;
%let contact_no = 9958939459;
%let google_blog = ;
%let social_network = orkut facebook linkedin twitter myspace;

%mend goodbye ;

%let i= &syspfizerites_count;
%do %until (&i eq );
%goodbye (wish_you = luck);
%let i=%eval(&i-1);