Friday, June 11, 2010

Intejaaaar Kab Tak !!!!!!!!

Ajmal Kasab is not happy now-a-days.He checked his 'happiness index' in 'Times Wellness' and found it was quite low.Its not that authorities have revoked his VIP Z++ security status, or they are not taking proper care for him, in fact they are pampering him too much. Now he can read and write english - even he is regularly reading Times of India and The Dawn. Recently he also started reading 'Twilight' saga and just finished first four parts upto 'Breaking Dawn' - and eagerly waiting for the last part that has just released.Not that he is quite a fan of Stephenie Meyer, Bella , Jacob or Edward but he is quite fond of vampire romance stories.During his 'Jihad' training days his 'Guruji' used to tell him - after their 'kurbaani' in 'Jihad' 'Mujahids' turn to vampires and girls like Bella wait for them at 'Jannat'. But unfortunately his journey to 'Jannat' got delayed and now congress is delaying it further.So he is not in good mood now-a-days.

Recently he started following 'Bhopal gas tragedy ' saga in 'Times of India' and he is getting irritated again.For killing fifteen thousand people and injuring over twenty thousand , eight people got only two years imprisonment , they were even out on bail in the next moment.He doesn't understand why he was given death sentence for killing 15/20 people. Anyway he didn't mind - he didn't cry inside the court rather he was happy, laughed and even cracked a few jokes until he was scolded by the judge - all he could see was his way to 'Jannat' again.

He didn't mind either when the main accused - CEO of Union Carbide Warren Anderson - was not convicted. Even his guruji was not convicted after 26/11 Mumbai attack.Its the people who are 'been there and done that' deserve the credit, not their gurujies.

He was amused after reading CBI was send to extradite the CEO from US. And almost laughed after reading CBI is currently in US to find out Richard Headley. He said - send CBI to Pakistan to find out my 'Guruji' - they will hijack the plane as soon as it lands Karachi and will demand my release....hhehehe

Madhya Pradesh chief minister at the time of Bhopal tragedy Arjun Singh said - he had to let off the 'gora saheb' because he feared a public attack on the gentleman. Kasab found him very intelligent , full of practical knowledge . He wished Arjun Singh was Maharashtra CM when he was caught by Mumbai police.

All the accused even threatened to pursue the case in higher court and Supreme court.Here also Kasab can read their mind - if it takes 26 years to get the verdict from a lower court it will not take less than a lifetime to get it through Higher court and Supreme court. Kasab is lucky here, for him everything was complete in 6 months. But 'Soniyaji' and 'Pratibha dadi' are still not convinced , they are saying it would hurt Muslim sentiments but Kasab thinks may be they are planning to send him for another mission. This time he will demand better facilities - less 'dud grenades' and a better AK47. Last time his machine got stuck when he was at work , or he would score fifteen thousand at CST itself.

Recently Kasab joined Facebook and first he made friendship with 'Soniyaji' - just to know ' Whats on her mind'. And her recent facebook update - 'Soniya Gandhi and Mamta Banarjee' are now friends' - Kasab had no idea who the 'Mamta Banarjee' was, his guess, may be her new daughter-in-law - making friendship with 'sasuma' after watching 'saas vi kavi bahu thi' - he used to watch it at his nana's place.
Next update - Soniya likes italian coach Fabio Filippo's booze ban on English players in world cup.Kasab likes it. He can remember how numb he felt after the booze party just after their initial victory at Taj.He can remember how his guruji used to tell him - never indulge in worldly pleasures or you will never get a place at 'Jannat'. He made the mistake once and now was denied the early jannat entry visa :(

His eyes almost fixed after reading British Petrolium (BP) is in trouble after spewing oil at Gulf of Mexico and killing dozens of fishes. Barack Obama and US Marines even threatened to drop a nuke if BP fails to tame the spill. Dropping nuke for killing fish!!!! But he liked the attitude. He wish Obama was there in place of 'Pratibha Dadi'. Then he would have finished first part of his vampire-romance at Jannat by this time.Kasab sent a friend request to Barack Obama in Facebook.

Now dear readers, if you are getting irritated as Kasab is being too much pampered and enjoying too much at the expense of public money , here is one thing you can do.'Hang Kasab Yourself' is a videogame recently launched in the market . Try it out and send Kasab one CD. He will keep himself busy in his 'Jannat' dream , at least he will not irritate others in Facebook:) . And don't forget to write your comments as Kasab is very particular to know 'What's on your mind' as well ;-)


  1. good one. Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!
    keep on

  2. thanks kk...dont keep ur thought so small...5 words!!!...kasab doesnt like it..write at least 5 lines:)

  3. don't use force to make ppl read it and laugh. :P
